
Horizon Research Project


Our project aims to demonstrate the efficacy of the ‘Community-Led Research and Action (CLRA)’ methodology to foster democratic spaces and engender concomitant roadmaps to inclusive European policymaking with especially underrepresented young citizens and their communities. This is crucial for crafting robust and resilient future scenarios enabling Europe to effectively respond to rapidly evolving societal contexts, a multitude of internal and global challenges, and shifting power dynamics, as outlined in the EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2020-2024). This action develops these roadmaps through a progressive, large-scale engagement with especially underrepresented young citizens and their communities, recognizing that youth-led participation is a strategic objective for the European Union. To achieve this goal, this action sets out to examine the effectiveness of the innovative ‘Community-Led Research and Action (CLRA)’ methodology in creating and nurturing democratic spaces within educational settings (Woensdregt et al. 2023). It will also examine how these efforts can contribute to the development of sustainable and inclusive democratic roadmaps, extending from local democratic spaces to the level of European policymaking. This initiative is designed to bolster the long-term inclusive participation of young people and their communities, especially those from underrepresented groups, in efforts to create a more inclusive, resilient and representative European democracy.
Project Partners:
University of Lodz (UL)
The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
Academica University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)
Coventry University (CU)
Augsburg University (AU)
European Wergeland Centre (EWC)
Mestenhauser Institute for International Collaboration (MIIC)
Post Bellum (PB)
University of South Bohemia (USB)
Yozgat Bozok University (YBU)
Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)
Kassel University (KU)
European Youth Parliament (EYP)
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR)
Spanish Foundation of Human Rights (SFHR)
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NUKMA)
Knowledge Innovation Centre (KIC)

Key publications

Janebova, E. (2023) The challenge of culture: The Czech path to international education in Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education: Illuminating Pathways for Inquiry and Future Practice Edited By Anne M. D’Angelo, Mary Katherine O’Brien, Gayla Marty (Routledge, 2023).

Summary: This book addresses the theoretical foundations of the field of international education and the implications for practice and strategy by focusing on the work of Josef Mestenhauser (1925–2015) and the depth and breadth of his contribution to the area of internationalisation of higher education. It considers key concepts and poses questions for discussion that make Mestenhauser’s work accessible to new readers.

It includes Josef A. Mestenhauser´s unfinished manuscript and, through a series of provocative essays, including Eva Janebová’s Challenge of Culture: the Czech Pathway to International Education, Hanneke Teekens, Hans de Wit, Darla Deardoff and many other contributors across the globe examine Mestenhauser’s influence on their understanding and practice of international education, the relevance of his work today, the transferability of his ideas across contexts, and current interpretations of the field. They consider areas of agreement and disagreement that illuminate pathways for inquiry and future practice, affirming the importance of his work in a new era.

Inspect a chapter

Janebova, E. (2022). The Challenge of Culture in Mestenhauser and the Possibilities of International Education: Illuminating Pathways for Inquiry and Future Practice. Routledge 2022.

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Inspect the Review of the book

Review of Mestenhauser and Possibilities of International Education by Bryan McAllister

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Other publications

Progress Report of IEI team hosted at Palacky (2021-2023)

Janebova, E, Vorlíček R., Stašová L, Hogens, M.(2023) Issues and challenges of inclusion in distance teaching and learning from the perspective of university students and teachers. Journal of Distance Education. Taylor and Francis

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Janebova, E., & Johnstone, Ch. (2021) Mapping the Dimensions of Inclusive Internationalization. In Kommers, S., & Bista, K. (Eds.). Routledge.

Think pieces

Weisova, L. (2023) Exploring the state of Internationalisation of the curriculum at a Swedish University: lessons learned. 

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Janebova, E., Johnstone, Ch., Medalis, Ch. (2022). Inclusive Internationalisation: An invitation to ask honest, perhaps uncomfortable questions instead of ticking ‘diversity’ boxes, In ACA Think Piece on Inclusive Internationalisation (2022).

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Weisova, L. (2021). Its time to prioritize Internationalization at Home.

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