What we offer

Professional Development, Consultancies and Tools: 

Professional Learning Community

Designing and Implementing a Professional Learning Community as a novel way of professional development and/or collaborative practices within your University Alliance

Internationalizing the Curriculum

Internationalizing the Curriculum for all your students using COIL, Digital Campus, and virtual exchanges

International Courses and Syllabi

Designing quality International Courses and Syllabi for your institution


Intercultural Competences

Enhancing the Intercultural Competences of your instructors, staff and students

Teaching Excellence

Teaching excellence – building teaching competences of higher education instructors

International Dimension of Your Curricula

Evaluating the international dimension of your curricula

Quality Assurance Processes

Establishing quality assurance processes in your university

New Trends in International Education

Promoting new trends in International Education

Is what you need not here?

Contact us to see how we can assist you with a tailored programme that meets your needs.


Professional Learning Communities – a novel format of professional development

Professional Learning Communities are collaborative, professional development networks that are results oriented and stimulate innovation in teaching or other processes. We will support you in setting up this novel format within your institution or with your university alliances or international partners.

We are building on the successful experience with Professional Learning Communities piloted across seven EU and US universities for academics under a joint Erasmus+ project Supporting Academics to Become International Educators (SABIO.EU). This project was developed and led by our founder, Dr Eva Janebova, under the auspices of Palacky University. Based on the positive feedback from participants, we are expanding communities of practice at universities across the Czech Republic. Join us!


Internationalize the Curriculum for all your students using COIL, Digital Campus, and virtual exchanges

We can help you widen the international experience of all your students through methodologies such as COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) and support you in co-teaching with your international colleagues. With experts from EU, USA and Australia, we can also assist you to expand your digital international campus presence and create a welcoming international online environment.

Course Design

How to Design and Deliver Quality International Courses

We run interactive Workshops to support academic instructors who teach international students to design new, quality syllabi or revise existing ones. These workshops are based on a Guide we have developed and is written in a format designed to help instructors work through the different stages of their international course design. It also facilitates reflection on the process so participants enhance not only the quality of their course design but also the delivery


Enhance the Intercultural competences of all your instructors, staff and students

Instructors and staff who are highly competent intercultural communicators are the key to effective international co-teaching and collaboration on joint curricula, the growth of successful international partnerships and the satisfaction of incoming students. We offer practical intercultural communication training in Czech and English from internationally certified trainers with experience in training for higher education stakeholders.

Good teaching also comes from understanding and working with the diversity of students in your classroom. We will help you begin the journey and provide tips on teaching international students.


Teaching excellence – building teaching competences of instructors

We have identified a portfolio of teaching competences and provide extensive professional support webinars, trainings, individual feedback and tailored institutional solutions.

Class observations and, in particular, one-on-one class observations by didactic experts with feedback and mentoring will boost the teaching competences of your novice higher education instructors. We use a structured format and our instructors have many years of experience in coaching instructors in their delivery of more than 100 courses.

Inspect our Offer: Teaching an International Classroom, Inclusive Teaching, Interactive Teaching Methods and Novel Pedagogies, Hidden Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Styles, Flipped Classroom and significant Learning, etc.


Evaluating the international dimension of your curricula

Are you re-visioning your institution’s internationalization strategy or, despite your successful international (joint) degree programs, you know that some courses are untouched by international perspectives, especially those in the mother tongue? We have designed our own benchmarking tool that maps out the international dimension of university curricula. This assessment objectively defines which programs and courses are lacking international perspectives, identifies existing best practices that can be built on, and helps you plan a way forward. We have used our Benchmarking tool at Masaryk University, Charles University, and Palacky University to support internationalization at home and excellence in teaching and learning.
Inspect our Mapping Tool (PPT slides)

Quality Assurance

Establishing quality assurance processes in your university

The steps needed to improve teaching and learning are complex and difficult to navigate. Using the results of our benchmarking tool in your institution, we can assist you to design strategies and action plans to improve the quality of teaching and learning, and guide quality assurance processes to demonstrate that a desired level of quality has been achieved.