What we offer
Professional Development, Consultancies and Tools:
Professional Learning Community
Designing and Implementing a Professional Learning Community as a novel way of professional development and/or collaborative practices within your University Alliance
Internationalizing the Curriculum
Internationalizing the Curriculum for all your students using COIL, Digital Campus, and virtual exchanges
International Courses and Syllabi
Designing quality International Courses and Syllabi for your institution
Intercultural Competences
Enhancing the Intercultural Competences of your instructors, staff and students
Teaching Excellence
Teaching excellence – building teaching competences of higher education instructors
International Dimension of Your Curricula
Evaluating the international dimension of your curricula
Quality Assurance Processes
Establishing quality assurance processes in your university
New Trends in International Education
Promoting new trends in International Education
Is what you need not here?
Contact us to see how we can assist you with a tailored programme that meets your needs.
Professional Learning Communities
Professional Learning Communities (PLC) provide a novel way of collegial professional development (Not Training!), a structured yet flexible, well-facilitated framework for achieving bottom-up change, or a more efficient way of international cooperation within EUA.
Professional Learning Communities on teaching
We run diverse portfolio of Communities for academics at EU and US institutions to enhance their teaching skills and/or internationalize their programs. We cover a wide range of expertise from Inclusive teaching, and curriculum design to internationalization at Home.
Tell us what your academics need, and we will help you design and deliver a PLC for your institution/department.
Masterclass on Professional Learning Communities
Is an intensive course for future Facilitators of Communities, to build their competencies and confidence to set up and run their own Communities. Our international mentors’ team will share their experience with academic communities within their institutions and across Europe and the USA.
Currently running Masterclass (May-November 2024) is tailored for Swiss HEIs.
Contact us, if you plan to set up your own PLC and become a PLC facilitator.
Internationalize the Curriculum for all your students using COIL, Digital Campus, and virtual exchanges
We can help you widen the international experience of all your students through methodologies such as COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) and support you in co-teaching with your international colleagues. With experts from EU, USA, and Australia, we can also assist you in expanding your digital international campus presence and create a welcoming international online environment.
COIL Workshop Series:
Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) is the co-teaching of two or more teachers from universities in different countries who jointly deliver their courses. They provide the students with opportunities to gain international knowledge and to learn in an international classroom without the necessity of travel.
COIL workshop series provides academics with:
- Step-by-step guidance to set up and run COIL with their colleagues,
- how to maximize cross-border online collaboration of students, and
- overcome the challenges of intercultural co-teaching.
Contact us if you would like to support your academics in “COIL skills”.
Webinar: Digital Transitions: The Online Experiences of International Students
Digital environments are diverse across the world. Digital ‘traditions’ and ‘norms’ have formed very quickly in the last 2-3 decades with cultures impacting on the ways we engage online. Therefore, Universities need to also understand the biases of their own digital environments when they are hosting international students from all parts of the world. Research and practice have shown that often, international students might miss out on crucial information of success and wellbeing in host countries because of not making the essential digital transitions. This presentation highlights the differences in digital environments and argues that digital transitions are just as important as face to face orientations in preparing international students for their new University experience.
Course Design
How to Design and Deliver Quality International Courses
We run interactive Workshops to support academic instructors who teach international students to design new, quality syllabi or revise existing ones. These workshops are based on a Guide we have developed and are written in a format designed to help instructors work through the different stages of their international course design. It also facilitates reflection on the process so participants enhance not only the quality of their course design but also the delivery
Workshop: Curriculum design: From Topics to Competences
How do I design my course?
- Start with why and then define Learning outcomes.
- Don’t forget the hidden curriculum
- Integrating the international dimension in courses/Programe
Integrating International and Home students
This professional development workshop series supports universities to:
- Support the readiness of universities to integrate International students.
- Enable both Czech and International students to learn deeply and together.
- Enable all students to build 21st-century skills and thrive in interconnected world
Workshop: Intercultural Communication in the Classroom – No more Bubbles!
- Supporting intercultural learning of Czech and international students together
- Exploring Communication styles: my style v. my students’ styles
How Cultural Orientations impact syllabus, classroom dynamics
Workshop: The Ideal Classroom – Engaging and Inclusive
- Introduction to the workshop series: Teaching for the 21st century
- Engaging and inclusive pedagogies
- Our dream classroom (Appreciative Inquiry)
- Reflecting on Who I am as a teacher.
Workshop: Embracing Diversity in the Classroom
- Who are my students?
- Embrace diversity and use it to gain a ‘diversity bonus’
- Navigating plurality and complexity
Workshop: Maximizing Collaboration and Active Learning
- Collaborative learning strategies
- Evaluating teamwork
- Tandem learning
- Challenges of Collaboration.
Upcoming workshop in collaboration with DZS, October 2024 (see news section)
Teaching excellence
We offer a multifaceted support of workshops and So-called Teaching Clinic to support universities to:
- Improve the quality of teaching across all disciplines.
- Enhance international excellence and curriculum innovation.
Teaching Clinic – is a popular individual mentoring program for academics where they can find advice on their specific teaching issue through individual consultations or can invite MIIC experts to observe their classroom and provide collegial feedback. We use a structured format and our instructors have decades of years of experience in mentoring instructors and guiding them in integrating new teaching techniques in their classrooms.
Workshop: Curriculum design: From topics to competences
How do I design my course?
- Start with why and then define Learning outcomes.
- Don’t forget the hidden curriculum
- Integrating the international dimension in courses/Programs
Workshop: Collaboration and Active Learning
How can I support collaboration?
- Collaborative learning strategies
- Evaluating teamwork
- Tandem learning
- Challenges of Collaboration.
Evaluating the international dimension of your curricula
Are you re-visioning your institution’s internationalization strategy or, despite your successful international (joint) degree programs, you know that some courses are untouched by international perspectives, especially those in the mother tongue? We have designed our own benchmarking tool that maps out the international dimension of university curricula. This assessment objectively defines which programs and courses are lacking international perspectives, identifies existing best practices that can be built on, and helps you plan a way forward. We have used our Benchmarking tool at Masaryk University, Charles University, and Palacky University to support internationalization at home and excellence in teaching and learning.
Inspect our Mapping Tool (PPT slides)
Quality Assurance
Advance the Quality of Internationalization and Improve
curriculum excellence to attract more international students!
3- Stage process to support university leadership and university stakeholders in:
STAGE 1. Mapping out: where is your institution/department and facilitating discussion around your new vision with university stakeholders using an Appreciative Inquiry
STAGE 2. Benchmarking: a detailed Report on your draft (existing) Internationalization Strategy, study programs, and even syllabi of courses to aim to the highest standards of the curriculum.
STAGE 3. Strategy Design: of your Comprehensive Internationalization and/or Internationalization of Curriculum Strategy including Recommendations for capacity building of university staff
Join universities on path to excellence our experts have supported in quality assurance of Internationalization of Curriculum: Charles University, Masaryk University, Palacky University, Ostrava University, The Hague University, Halmstad University, Caritas o.p.s., etc
New Trends
Promoting new trends in International Education – Designing and delivering symposia and workshops and providing tailored guidance
Mentoring for Leaders of Internationalization
Our world-leading experts in international education provide HE leadership with individualized mentoring in international education trends as well as assistance e.g. on how to design institutional internationalization strategy, or how to introduce new concepts such as Diversity-Equity-Inclusion or Internationalization of Curriculum. We are engaged in leadership positions in EAIE and regularly deliver keynotes and presentations for professional organizations such as ACA, and annual conferences of NAFSA, EAIE, DAAD, and the Czech National Agency.
Symposia on International Education Trends
Our team has experience with designing institutional and international symposia, conferences, and training to explain what is happening in international education at home and abroad and to facilitate the exchange of inspiring practices.